The Tech@Lunch Podcast is a Technology lunch and learn but for your ears, with two different formats to meet the listeners‘ busy schedule: 1) Full 30 Min Lunch Episodes - Full-length Episode that allows the listener to learn a little bit about tech while enjoying lunch. 2) Mini 10-15 Min Snack Episodes - Smaller Episodes covering a quick topic to get you thinking while getting a snack or a cup of coffee. If you would like to submit and Idea for a future Podcast send an email with your name and idea to

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Full Episode 4 - I have data and now I want to look at it
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the Fourth Tech@Lunch Full episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is I have this Data and Now I want to look at it. In this episode, we look at the many different ways to visualize data. Ranging from dashboards, KPI boards, Power Bi worksheets, and more. We look at how you can take the information gathered from the first steps covered In the earlier episodes and display the information in an understandable and actionable format. So join us as we dive into the world of Data and how to look at it.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Full Episode 3 - Office IT Environment vs Shop Floor OT Environment
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the Third Tech@Lunch Full episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is Office IT environment vs Shop Floor OT environment. In this episode, we look at the differences and similarities of both environments and how they work together to keep a production environment operational. We dive into the IT environment side where we talk about what is the office IT environment is and then dive into what the shop floor OT environment is. We also look into how they are similar and how they need each other and how people should get involved in each either one to understand what is going on in a production environment from the technology side. So join us as we dive into the world of Office IT vs Shop Floor OT.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Snack Episode 2 - I have this data now what do I do with it
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the Second Tech@Lunch Snack episode. The snack episodes are smaller episodes where we cover a singular topic in less than 15 minutes, so you the listener can listen to them when you are taking a break, getting coffee, or having a snack. This week’s Snack topic is I have this data now what do I do with it. In this episode we look at the data we received from MQTT, IoT, and IIOT and look at how we can use that data to make educated decisions about topics as we break down Industry 4.0 into its different parts and technologies and explore each one. We look at the different ways we can use the data and the different visualization applications that are available and how someone can use the data to make educated decisions and keep management and fellow employees informed of the different KPIs that are being monitored throughout the facility. So join us as we dive into what we can do with all this Data.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Full Episode 2 - You Got MQTT
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the Second Tech@Lunch Full episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is You Got MQTT. In this episode, we look at MQTT and its many uses, history, and protocols and how it is used with IoT and IIoT as we break down Industry 4.0 into its different parts and technologies and explore each one. We look at the different ways we can use MQTT and how it can make a difference in someone's life from a tech standpoint and how it is used in a manufacturing environment amongst others. So join us as we dive into the world of MQTT.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Full Episode 1 - To IoT or IIOT That Is The Question
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the first Tech@Lunch Full episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is To IoT or IIOT That is the Question. In this episode, we look at the main differences in the world of the Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet of Things as we break down Industry 4.0 into its different parts and technologies and explore each one. We look at the different technologies that make up those two worlds and how they are similar but different and their different applications for use. So join us as we dive into the world of IoT and IIOT

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Snack Episode 1 - Industry 4.0
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the first Tech@Lunch Snack episode. The snack episodes are smaller episodes where we cover a singular topic in less than 15 minutes, so you the listener can listen to them when you are taking a break, getting coffee, or having a snack. Were as the full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Snack topic is Industry 4.0 which also will Segway into follow-on episodes about the components of Industry 4.0 and their technologies. So, let’s get started:
The definition of Industry 4.0 in the grand scheme of things is “is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. Large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) are integrated for increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention”
Industry 4.0 is a mixture of IT and machine which is derived from a high-tech strategy brought up by the German Government which promotes the computerization of manufacturing. Industrie 4.0 - BMBF. There is a link in the show notes that contains the information provided by the German Government about the strategy. The link contents are in German just an FYI. This strategy has multiple focus areas which are Production, service, and work, IT-Systems, Electronic Systems, Communication Systems, and IT-Security, International Partnerships, and Innovation and Industry 4.0 platform - the network for the digital industry change.

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Tech@Lunch Teaser
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Hello and welcome to the tech lunch podcast, where we encourage our listeners to learn something new about tech every week. This can range from learning about new and exciting applications to advancements in coding and technology. If you are always learning you will always be a step above the rest. Take the time during lunch or during the break to listen and learn, kinda a lunch and learn but for the ears. This podcast will open the listeners' ears to new and exciting technologies they may have not been previewed to in the past. These topics will range from manufacturing technologies to data collection technologies and everything in between.