The Tech@Lunch Podcast is a Technology lunch and learn but for your ears, with two different formats to meet the listeners‘ busy schedule: 1) Full 30 Min Lunch Episodes - Full-length Episode that allows the listener to learn a little bit about tech while enjoying lunch. 2) Mini 10-15 Min Snack Episodes - Smaller Episodes covering a quick topic to get you thinking while getting a snack or a cup of coffee. If you would like to submit and Idea for a future Podcast send an email with your name and idea to

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Full Episode 22 - 3D Printing Mindset of Improvement
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the 22nd Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is 3D Printing Mindset of Improvement. This week's episode talks about the 3D printing Mindset of Improvement to improve Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) software and hardware. When looking at the mindset of improvement someone must look a the hardware that was used to create the machine and the software used to control it. This also leads to the fact that a user will easily find the limits of that equipment and must improve it to accomplish the prints that they are trying to make. In this episode, we talk about how you can use the improve the hardware and software of your printer to make the best out of a 3D printer. So join us as we dive into the world of 3D printing Mindset of Improvement. We also start to let out more information about the 3D printing challenge we have coming up and how we are releasing youtube shorts.
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Wednesday May 18, 2022
Full Episode 21 - 3D Printing Slicing
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the 21st Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is 3D Printing Slicing. In this week's episode, we talk with John about 3D printing slicing and how it is used to create the 3D printed objects that we see being produced by the 3D printer. When looking at the slicer software we look at how it can be applied to STEM education and Rapid Prototyping. We also look at the different uses for the different types of 3D printing slicing techniques from infill amount to infill design and construction. In this episode, we talk about how you can use the different types of 3D printing slicing options to make the best out of a 3D printer. So join us as we dive into the world of 3D printing and slicing.
Check out our Youtube Channel

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Full Episode 20 - 3D Printing Software
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Twentieth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is 3D Printing Software. In this week's episode, we talk with John about 3D printing software and how they can be applied to STEM, and how they are used in 3D Printing. We also look at the different uses for the different types of 3D printing software ranging from open-source freeware to systems that are specific to the 3d printer maker. In this episode, we talk about how you can use the different types of 3D printing software that are available for rapid prototyping and design. So join us as we dive into the world of 3D printing and its software.
Check out our Youtube Channel

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Full Episode 19 - 3D Printing Materials
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the nineteenth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is 3D Printing Materials. In this week's episode, we talk with John about 3D printing Materials and how they can be applied to STEM education and Rapid Prototyping. We also look at the different uses for the different types of 3D printing materials from teaching complex shapes to engineering challenges that could not be accomplished elsewhere. In this episode, we talk about how you can use the different types of 3D printing materials for rapid prototyping and design. So join us as we dive into the world of 3D printing and its materials.
Check out our Youtube Channel

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Full Episode 18 - 3D Printing for STEM Education
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Eighteenth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is 3D Printing for STEM Education. In this week's episode, we talk with John about 3D printing and how it can be applied to STEM education. We also look at the different uses for a 3D printer in the classroom from teaching complex shapes to engineering challenges that could not be accomplished elsewhere. In this episode, we talk about how you can use 3D printers in the world of stem education and how getting them into the classroom can be beneficial. So join us as we dive into the world of 3D printing.
Check out our Youtube Channel

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Full Episode 17 - Getting Into 3D Printing
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Seventeenth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is Getting into 3d Printing. In this week's episode, we talk with John about 3D printing and its different aspects of it, and what it can be used for. In this episode, we talk about how you can use 3D printers and the different types of them and how they can be acquired, and the different aspects of the machine. We also discuss the new challenge that we are doing that will be video documented and placed on Our Youtube channel. This challenge is called the 300 dollar 3D Printer where we take on the Ender and see if we can build one without a kit. So join us as we dive into the world of 3D printing.
Our Youtube Channel - Stay Tuned for new Episodes and shorts

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Full Episode 16 - Time to Deploy
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Sixtenth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is Software Deployment. In this week's episode, we talk about the different ways software deployments can take place. In this episode, we talk about how you can use deploy software to benefit software and hardware development and commissioning. We talk about how it can help with system implementation and the different tips and tricks you can use to get better at it. We dive into the different aspects of deployment from the benefits to the problems and everything in between. So join us as we dive into the world of Software deployments.
Our Youtube Channel - Stay Tuned for new Episodes and shorts

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Full Episode 15 - Test To Operational Requirements
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Fifteenth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is Software / Hardware Testing and Testing to Operational Requirements. In this week's episode, we talk about the benefits of Software Testing. In this episode, we talk about how you can use Software testing to benefit software and hardware development and commissioning. We talk about how it can help with system implementation and the different tips and tricks you can use to get better at it. We dive into the different aspects of Software Testing from the benefits to the problems and everything in between. So join us as we dive into the world of Test To Operational Requirements.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Full Episode 14 - STEM Education From The Eyes of a Teacher
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Fourteenth Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is STEM Education From The Eyes of a Teacher. In this week's episode, we interview a current middle school math teacher and discuss STEM education and what are some of its current issues and advantages of it. We dive into the different aspects of STEM education and everything in between. So join us as we dive into the world of STEM.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Full Episode13 - Time to Gather Requirements
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Hello And Welcome to the Thirteen Tech@Lunch Full Episode. The full-length episodes are 30 minutes in length that span the duration of a lunch break. This week’s Lunch topic is Requirements Gathering. In this week's episode, we talk about the benefits of Requirements Gathering. In this episode, we talk about how you can use Requirements Gathering to change the way you build applications and systems. We talk about how it can help with system implementation and the different tips an tricks you can use to get better at it. We dive into the different aspects of the Requirements Gathering from the benefits to the problems and everything in between. So join us as we dive into the world of Requirements Gathering.